
Happy Data Privacy Day

On January 28th; the U.S., Canada, and 47 European countries take time to acknowledge the importance of privacy and data protection best practices. Although this day has its roots in protecting personal data, specifically with …

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Changes in Common Criteria and Product Advocacy

As companies look to their 2016 sales objectives, the allure of the FED and it’s $70 billion budget, as well as emerging markets for healthcare, finance, critical infrastructure and the Internet of Things (IoT) is …

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FIPS 140-2 & Common Criteria Security Certifications

The numbers are in and with our partners help; Corsec has had one of its most successful quarters in company history! And the future looks even more promising. With the rising threat of security breaches in today’s technology landscape, the need for products that can deliver a high degree of trusted protection…


How Heartbleed Affects Your Security Certifications

Much has been in the news over the past couple of months about the security vulnerability known as Heartbleed. It is of vital interest to businesses and consumers, but especially so for businesses with products intended to provide security for their users. There are some specific and unique impacts to companies who are planning or are in the midst…


Common Criteria Certification: What Is It?

Do you need to open the door to sell your IT security product to the U.S. government? That seems like it should be a process that is simple to work through, but think again. Any IT security product that will be used by the U.S. government for national security systems, either to handle classified and even some non-classified…

FIPS 140, CSfC, Common Criteria, UC APL

Maximize ROI: Market Your Certification

Taking the time, effort and resources to achieve FIPS or Common Criteria certification or UC APL listing is a big deal. It’s not an insignificant investment, and when it’s finally completed, you want to see a significant return, right? The most obvious solution is just to sell more product. And while this may seem both simple and obvious, we all know…

ESV Header

Entropy Testing: Tips for Meeting Requirements

In the second post of our two-part series, we continue our discussion with panelists from Computer Sciences Corporation: Lachlan Turner, Jason Cunningham, and Maureen Barry. Continuing where we left off with last week’s post, we’ll dive deeper into entropy and answer some of the many questions now arising…