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Corsec Security Augments Services to Provide Complete DoDIN APL Solution for Information Security Vendors

Corsec Expands service offering to include DoDIN APL certification.

Fairfax, VA, January 12, 2012 – Corsec Security, Inc., the leader in FIPS 140-2 and Common Criteria documentation and project management services is announcing the addition of Department of Defense Information Network Approved Product List (DoDIN APL) certification services in order to provide customers with a comprehensive solution to achieving a listing on the DoDIN APL. Corsec’s unrivaled security certification knowledge and experience helps expedite clients’ product to market time and provides faster return on investment when selling to the DoD and other markets which demand certified products.

Achieving a listing on the DoDIN APL is quite an undertaking which has two main and equally difficult components: Information Assurance (IA) testing, and Interoperability (IO) testing. FIPS 140-2, Common Criteria, and IPv6 evaluations provide a foundation for a portion of the testing necessary to achieve DoDIN APL certification.

“Corsec is proud to be able to expand our services to include complete project management and production of DoDIN APL certification elements in addition to our highly recognized FIPS 140-2 and Common Criteria services,” said Matthew Appler, CEO of Corsec Security. “This provides our clients with a comprehensive and trouble-free solution through a partner they already trust and work with.”

The Approved Products List as well as the certification process are managed and supported by the Unified Capabilities Certification Office (UCCO). The DoDIN APL certification is a requirement for information technology and information security systems that are to be placed on any DoD network.

Information Assurance and third-party validated security has been mandated for decades in order for a product to be considered for purchase by the DoD. Interoperability testing is also necessary to ensure that the products undergoing certification are securely interoperable in a way that is effective and enables efficient information sharing agency-wide.

With 250+ FIPS 140-2 and Common Criteria certificates, Corsec leverages their successful process methodology in order to help their clients achieve their security certification goals.

About Corsec

Corsec is the world’s leader in providing access to new markets via third party security validations and certifications solutions.  Corsec’s 15-year track record includes more than one million hours of validation services delivered, more than 350 completed FIPS 140-2, Common Criteria and DoDIN APL certifications, and hundreds of clients on five continents. For more information, visit